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Anita Wetzel




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Anita Wetzel began her artistic practice in 1972 after completing a BFA in painting at SUNY New Paltz. She pursued further studies with Barbara Leoff Burge, focusing on mixed media collage work which she has now been practicing for over 40 years.


With Leoff Burge, Ann Kalmbach and Tatana Kellner, Anita co-founded the Women’s Studio Workshop (WSW) in 1974 in Rosendale, NY. WSW’s studios initially focused on printmaking, offering artists equipment to which they might otherwise not have access. The founding artists then further enhanced WSW’s offerings by developing a hand papermaking program and, by the early 1980s, offering residency grants for artists to create artists’ books. Anita incorporated book making practices and adapted a range of monoprint methodologies to incorporate in to her mixed media collage work. She has also authored several limited edition artists’ books.

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